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Demidov Yaroslavl State University

The Law Faculty

The Law Faculty of P.G. DemidovYaroslavl State University is a historical successor of Demidov Law Lyceum, the oldest higher education institution of Yaroslavl. The speciality “Jurisprudence” was opened in 1970 when Yaroslavl State University was reestablished. Since 1972 law students were prepared by the Law Department of the Faculty of History and Law. In 1987 the Law Faculty became independent.

The faculty prepares students in the speciality Jurisprudence with a state-legal, civil and criminal specialization. The main subjects are taught by qualified teachers. Most faculty teachers are doctors and candidates of science. The faculty contains the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, the Department of Civil Law and Process, the Department of Labour and Financial Law, the Department of Criminal Law and Process.

The faculty does active research in the following areas: priority directions of the development of a constitutional state and society legal system, the problems of subjective rights and interests, optimizing legislative technics and differentiation of liability in the areas of criminalistic cycle, development of labour law science and codification of labour law and social law: history, theory, practice; the history of Demidov Law Lyceum and Yaroslavl Law Scientific School, important problems of taxation and exchange control, the problems of legal liability for breaches in the economical field and taxation, exchange law, problems of gender equality in the family and at work. Scientific articles of teachers, students and post-graduates are published in the faculty and departments’ periodicals.

The faculty has a budget and non-budget post-graduate course in specialities: The Theory and History of State and Law, The History of Law Theories; Civil Law, Family Law, Business Law, International Private Law; Civil Process, Arbitration Proceeding; Criminal Law and Criminology; Executive Criminal Law; Labour Law, Social Law.

According to the academic curriculum all students do practical work before defending a graduation thesis. The main places where students do practical work are courts, Offices of Public Prosecutors, militia offices, tax police, the Bar, the faculty having agreements with them about cooperation and preparation of specialists. The faculty has a reading room, modern teaching equipment, the Department of Criminal Law and Process has the teaching office of crimialistics.

More detailed information about the procedure of entering the Law Faculty, academic curricula and courses on the corresponding speciality you can find at the Admission Commission and on the university web-site