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Demidov Yaroslavl State University

2012. № 3 (21)

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N. M. Aleksandrov

Village of the Upper Volga region on the eve of serfdom abolition

Abstract: The article shows condition of a landowner economy and position of peasants of the Vladimir, Kostroma and Yaroslavl provinces before reform of 1861. The interconnection of the natural geographical factor and a way of exploitation of serfs is tracked. Local features of development of village are revealed.
Key words: K e y w o r d s : peasants; landowners; labour-dues (corvee); rent; reform; Upper Volga.

V. М. Marasanova

The Role of Personality in the Regional Dimension: First General Governor Alexei Melgunov

Abstract: This paper analyzes the contribution of the first Yaroslavl General-Governor A. P. Melgunov in the development of the region. Based on the analysis of the sources the author came to the conclusion that the first General-Governor had successfully implemented the provincial reform of Catherine II, contributed to the development of local governance and urban development, laid the tradition of many charitable and cultural endeavors.
Key words: Key words: The Governor-General; Alexei Petrovich Melgunov; Yaroslavl Province; reforms.

A. V. Uryadova

Soviet industry during period of New Economic Policy: Russian emigration point of view

Abstract: The article deals with the perception of Russian emigration of Soviet economic policy in the first half of 1920-th, particularly in the areas of industry and the reaction of emigrants on the concrete steps of the USSR in this field. The aim of article is investigation different points of view among the Russian Diaspora on the problem of Soviet economic policy. The identification of evolution of emigrant’s views towards the Soviet economic policy, change of methods and means of its influence on economic public opinion became the results of the article.
Key words: Key words: Russian emigration; Russia abroad; Soviet economical policy; soviet industry.

V. Р. Fedyuk

Ahead the «Red Terror»

Abstract: This article discusses the emergence of "Red terror", has become one of the main elements of the Russian Civil War of 1917– 1920. Examined in detail the origins and causes of terrorism, the specific social and political situation that determined the policy of terror.
Key words: Key words: civil war in Russia; the «Red Terror».

Y. Y. Iyerusalimsky

Primary school in the Russian Province in the first half of the 19th century (studies of documents of Uglich region, Yaroslavl gubernia)

Abstract: System of state education entered in primary school education in the first half of the 19th century in the Russian Empire. The principle of education for all classes of the Russian society was introduced in the first quarter of the 19th. The return to social status education in observed under Nicolas I in the second of the 19th century quarter.
Key words: Key words: primary school; parish school; teachers; pupils; social status education.

D. A. Bazhanov

The Conflicts Among the Staff as a Part of the Military Daily in 1914–1916 (on the Materials of the history Ships of Helsingfors Naval Base)

Abstract: The problem of the conflicts among the staff of the Baltic Fleet during the World War I, dealt the courts of all levels with, is described in the article. At the same time the deviant behavior is considered as an element of everyday relationships. This approach allows us to draw conclusions about the dependence of the nature of military activities and the relationships of the personnel, about the main groups with related professional interests.
Key words: K e y w o r d s : the Baltic Fleet; World War I; sailors; daily; crime.

N. I. Shapko

Carriageway stone cover in Yaroslavl at the turn of XIX–XX centuries A. C.

Abstract: The given article considers the item of the carriageway stone cover at the turn of XIX - XX centuries A.C. The aim for the investigation is to determine the methods of the carriageway construction and maintenance and also to find out the state of the stone cover for the said period in Yaroslavl. The disputing point was: whether the town authority that initially made the work or the owners of the privacy in a given street has to maintain the street cover. Both the town budget insufficiency for the item in question and the owners’ unwillingness to maintain the roads resulted in their detrimental state not only in Yaroslavl but also for Russia as a whole.
Key words: K e y w o r d s : town streets; site improvement; stone cover; cobble (stone); sidewalk; municipal Duma; town authorities; the owners of the private houses; inhabitants; the town surroundings.

M. V. Koltsov

«A friend of the Soviet Union»: the finishing touches to the portrait of the British ambassador to USSR Archibald Clark Kerr

Abstract: The article is devoted to the well-known British diplomat Archibald Clark Kerr – the British Ambassador to the USSR in 1942–1946.The author tells about the main stages of a diplomat’s career, focusing on the period of his work in the Soviet Union and established relationships with the Soviet leaders – Stalin and Molotov.
Key words: Key words: Archibald Clark Kerr; Stalin; Great Britain; USSR; Molotov.

S.V. Konopleva

L. T. Hobhouse and the formation of New Liberalism in Great Britain at the beginning of the XXth century

Abstract: The article deals with the ideas of L. T. Hobhouse, British liberal politician and sociologist, who has been considered one of the leading and earliest proponents of social liberalism. His works are analyzed in the context of the development of New Liberalism.
Key words: K e y w o r d s : liberalism; social reforms.

E. V. Blinova

The African slaves in the British Impair from the middle of the XVIth to the middle of the XVIIIth centuries

Abstract: The problems of status of the African slaves in British Empire from the middle of the XVI till the middle of the. XVIII centuries are mentioned in the article. The positions of the perception of the black women by the Englishmen are considered in this article. The basic directions of use of the black slaves such as participation in royal theaters and the mass dramatized representations; execution of the functions of house servants and others are characterized. The material from the life of an African courtesan Lucy Negro and the African slave Elizabeth Dido, poetess Phillis Wheatley is presented in the given article.
Key words: Key words: African slave women; African slaves; slave-trade; black people; the moor’s theatre.

A. V. Zhukov

The phenomenon of photofixation of the Anglo-Boer War 1899–1902

Abstract: This article explores the phenomenon of photofixation of the Anglo-Boer War. The aim of article - to analyze the photographs of the Anglo-Boer War, to show that they are unique in its content, a valuable source, capable to verify, to supplement, and to develop written information. Show how photographs of the Boer War was able to turn the usual practice at that time describe and study wars. Creating a real image of South African confrontation, his unique individual appearance, giving people the opportunity to be implicated in far events of the Anglo-Boer War.
Key words: Key words: the Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1902; South Africa; UK; photography.

E. V. Spiridonova

Yaroslavl Archaeological Expedition: 1972-2012 years

Abstract: This article is devoted to the forty-year-old history of Yaroslavl archaeological expedition. The author examines the main stages and directions of its activity and gives a brief description of the examined monuments.
Key words: Key words: Yaroslavl, archaeological expedition, hillfort, rural settlement, multilayer monument, Old Russian mound burial ground, Neolithic site.

V. Y. Poyarkoff

About the work of the painter Vassili I. Shukhaev (1887-1973)

Abstract: The harmony combination of research and compositional styles of art intellection was character feature of works of V. I. Shukhaev. Russian neoclassicism has been manifested in all areas of art of V. I. Shukhaev, especially in portraits and theatre art compositions.
Key words: Key words: Russian neoclassicism; portrait; theatre art; still lives; illustrations of literature; monumental painting.

N. N. Tarusina

About Current Trends in a Gender Issue and the Gender Answer

Abstract: In article tendencies of the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century of gender researches and some their embodiments in public life of Russia, with the subsequent emphasis on the solved contexts, are considered.
Key words: Key words: gender; discrimination; discourse; counteraction.

A. V. Ivanchin

Designing of Structures of Crimes with an Administrative Prejudition: Pro et Contra

Abstract: In the present article structures with the administrative prejudition which number in the criminal law increases every year are considered. The author estimates arguments of pros and cons of introduction at the law of such structures, proves that their design￾ing will be coordinated with bases of the theory of criminalization and other fundamental provisions of a science of criminal law.
Key words: Key words: crime structure; designing; criminalization; administrative prejudition.

O. G. Solovyev

The Modernization Problems of the Norms about the Crimes in the Sphere of the Economic Activity: the Critical Analysis of the Legislative Technique

Abstract: In this article, the regulation features of the Criminal Law amendments about the responsibility for the crimes in the economic activity sphere are investigated, and there is a critical analysis of the norms-novels construction technique of the chapter 22 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code.
Key words: Key words: a criminal responsibility; an economic crimes; a modernization; a criminalization; a legislative technique; a norms construction.

N. N. Tarusina

About Current Trends in a Gender Issue and the Gender Answer

Abstract: In article the family phenomenon as the legal phenomenon, being characterized by lack of its legal definition and absence at it, according to the majority of jurists, right subjection and statusness is considered. That and another is supposed not indisputable.
Key words: Key words: family; definition; right subjection; status.

E. A. Isaeva

Right of the child to communication with both parents: comparative research of standards of the labor law of Russia and countries of Europe

Abstract: Article covers aspects of comparative research on paternity leave in the countries of Europe. Some positive models of foreign legislation, influencing elimination of traditional gender stereotypes are discussed in the article. Obligatory paternity leave is offered.
Key words: Key words: paternity leave; gender neutral legislation; persons with family duties.

O. I. Sochneva

To a question of the Legal Nature of Family Right Ability

Abstract: Article contains the critical analysis of the points of view stated in scientific literature on the nature of family right ability, its place in the mechanism of legal regulation.
Key words: Key words: capacity; right ability; subjective law; family relations.

O. G. Mirolubova

Protection of Interests of the Child in Divorce Proceedings: Controversial Questions

Abstract: In article questions of protection of interests of the child in divorce proceedings are considered, material-legal and procedural ways of their protection and defense are analyzed in system.
Key words: Key words: interests of the child; the accounting of the opinion of the child; divorce proceedings; jurisdiction; court exit out of the limits of claim requirements.

Ilin A.A.

Some Aspects of Interbranch Differentiation of Responsibility in Criminal Law

Abstract: In article problems of interbranch differentiation, the concept of its division «on a vertical» are investigated, the concept of an investigated phenomenon is given, оther teoretiko-applied questions of differentiation of responsibility in criminal law are consid￾ered, limits are defined.
Key words: Key words: norm of the right; administrative offence; the criminal liability; interbranch differentiation; a crime; structure signs; responsibility differentiation.

O. U. Lysenko

Influence of social determinant on a human ability for realized and strong-willed behavior and criminal responsibility

Abstract: In the article the connection between categories «ability for realized and strong-willed behavior» аnd «criminal responsibility» is revealed, also the questions of forming and transformation of human ability for realized and strong-willed behavior in specific social conditions are investigated.
Key words: Key words: ability for realized and strong-willed behavior; criminal responsibility; social conditions; presumption; generally accepted norms.

A. V. Karpov

The principle of metasystem in the organization of the person

Abstract: Formulated and implemented a new methodological approach to the problem of personality - a metasystem. From his position analyzed some of the most topical and controversial issues of personality psychology, it is shown that the approach of the metasystem, possesses significant potential in terms of heuristic solutions. A new strategy for the integrated development of personality problems, based on the metasystem approach.
Key words: Key words: individual; society; metasystem approach; system; system range; the structure of personality; socialization.

A. V. Karpov, E. V. Markova

The role of personal and social reflexivity in the successful realization of management functions

Abstract: Search psychological determinants of the success of management activities – a key task of the psychology of management. The article points to the role of reflection as the properties of the individual in the regulation of the effective implementation of certain administrative functions. Shows what management functions are carried out successfully with leaders of high personal and social reflexivity.
Key words: Key words: metacognitive processes; reflection; management functions; the success of management activities.

A. A. Smirnov, A. A. Postnova

Genesis of components of the person of the lawyer at a high school stage of professionalizing

Abstract: In article questions of dynamics of development of some person of the lawyer at a high school stage of professionalizing are considered. Process of formation of personal qualities at students of faculty of law at a high school stage of professionalizing became object of research. The method лонгитюда investigated psychological laws of formation of personal qualities at students of faculty of law (in number of 47 persons, at the age from 17 till 23 years).
Key words: K e y w o r d s : Legal activity; abilities of the lawyer; formation of qualities of the person; adaptation of law students to high school.

V. N. Kunitsyna, E. S. Sinelnikova

Understanding and Trust in the Family: the Phenomenon, Functions, Criteria

Abstract: The article reveals the understanding and trust in the family as an interpersonal phenomenon, on the one hand, and as individual values – on the other. We describe their specific features, functions within the family. The results of empirical studies allowed identifying criteria for understanding and trust in the family, as well as defining their place within the values of the individual.
Key words: Key words: interpersonal understanding; trust; values; family psychology.

L. U. Subbotina, T. S. Evtushina

Psychological defense during organizational resistance as a factor in organizational culture

Abstract: The concept of psychological defense is important for the modern analysis of the individual. Metasystem nature of the phenomenon of protection determines its social forms. There is a direct link between psychological defense and social behavior of resistance to innovation. As a result formed typical defense behavior for those who accept and not accept innovations. The article presents complex of defense mechanisms which are the base for the resistance under the authoritarian control.
Key words: Key words: organizational resistance; psychological defense; social security; innovation.

V. A.Tolochek, E. A. Palt, S. V. Shpitonkov

Associated professional careers of Subject’s as phenomenon and as sciences problems: macro-, meso- and micro-media professional career

Abstract: By an example of such occupations as government employees, business managers and private security guards we get to analyze subject’s professional career (PC) in terms of associated professional career (APC), i. e. one depending on social macro-, meso- and micro-media, as well as on interconnections with partners and etc.. There are few temporal characteristics which are also essential features of APC phenomenon: macro-cycles (Subject’s evolution within his PC), meso-cycles (PC for the period of working in certain organization) and micro-cycles (PC for the period of working at same place of occupation).
Key words: Key words: associated professional career; professional formation; evolution; subject; social media/environment (micro-, meso- and macro-media); resources; temporal characteristics; macro-cycles; meso-cycles; micro-cycles.

L. G. Zhedunova, I. N. Malkova

Family history and potential maternal deviation

Abstract: The article addresses the problem of maternal relation in the transgenerational approach. We present the data of the research, whose purpose was to study the effect of patterns of relations, which are transmitted from generation to generation, on formation of the maternal relation. Analyzed selected by factor analysis, latent factor of the potential maternal deviation.
Key words: Key words: maternal deviation, family history, transgeneration, intrafamily patterns of relationship.

Y. V. Poshekhonova, A. V. Buzmakova

The influence of soldiers` personality on the perception of conflict situations

Abstract: The results of the studying of the influence of soldiers` personality on their perception of conflict situations are presented in this article.The importance of the studying cognitive determinants of behavior in the conflict are proved here. The specification of the semantic differential method in accordance with the investigated sample and the experimental data was made. The conclusions about the effect of aggressiveness, extraversion, and sensory perception of conflict situations are drawn in the completion of the article.
Key words: Key words: Conflict, conflict behavior, perception of conflict situation, semantic differential method.

A. S. Pavlov, A. V. Subbotin

Personal qualities of cadets which are important for success of training

Abstract: Article describes stages of selection of personal qualities, which are important for success of training of cadets, for the purpose of the further research of degree of their expressiveness at cadets of the various periods of training and the subsequent analysis of influence of the selected qualities on success of training. As a result of work 10 qualities are selected.
Key words: Keywords: personal qualities, the important qualities, success of training, training of cadets, the expert estimation, supervising documents.

S. V. Tsymzina

The psychological characteristics of musicians-performers’ creative thinking at the stage of professional tuition

Abstract: The article contains the ground of actual researching problem of psychological characteristics of musicians-performers’ creative thinking at the stage of professional tuition. The definition of musician-performer’ creative thinking is given in it. The results of empiric study of musicians-performers’ cognitive component are also there.
Key words: Key words: musical-performing activity, musician-performer creative thinking, verbal and nonverbal characteristics of intelligence and creative thinking; musical thinking levels, musical-performance activity creative characteristics.

O. S. Koval'skaia

Personality coping with varying degrees of formation of system orientations aimed at values and meanings in an early youth

Abstract: Importance of the degree of closeness between the orientations aimed at values at the level of belief and at the level of manifestation in behavior analyzes in the article. The features of coping of individuals with varying degrees of formation of values and meanings are identified. Substantiates the relevance of psychological help in the harmonious development of personality and coping effectively with life's difficulties.
Key words: Key words: orientations aimed at values, meaning self-control, productive and nonproductive coping strategies, subject-activity approach.

K. M. Gaidar

The Development of Educational Group Subjectivity in Joint Activity: Experimental Approach

Abstract: Abstract: the article focuses on the question of educational group formation as the subjects of joint activity. Groups of student and schoolchildren are the examples of the fact that this formation can be developed in the formative experiment while a set of special socio-psychological conditions is being created. The result of experimental work shows the growing level of educational group subjectivity in joint activity which is fixed due to objective and subjective indices.
Key words: Key words: group subject, joint activity, group subject of joint activity, educational group, socio-psychological experiment.

M. P. Ryabov

The theoretical analysis of the determination of the teenage narcotization factors

Abstract: This article is related to a theoretical review of the domestic author’s works describing the problem of identifying the narcotization factors of teenagers. All present researches of the issue are contradictory and disconnected. The drug addiction results awareness among teenagers might be a significant factor which the interconnection of psychological premises of drug usage based on. In modern investigations of our country this factor has not been completely described, so it demands a detailed study.
Key words: Key words: the narcotization factors, the system approach, the juvenile age, the addictive behaviour, the drug addiction results awareness.

M. V. Afonin

Local Self-government and City Community

Abstract: The article covers the main problems of formation and development of modern city self-government as the element of transformed system of local self-government in the Russian Federation, offers on improvement first of all normative base as direct basis for change of the existing public relations in the studied sphere are made.
Key words: Key words: local self-government; city self-government; city community.

L. D. Rudenko

The impact of rural and commutation migration on the universal urbanization stages (using as an example the town of Yaroslavl)

Abstract: The modern science did not yet develop a single conceptual scheme of urban studies. More than that, the Western approaches, popular nowadays, demonstrate a number of limitations in its application to the sociological research of Russian towns. Bearing this in mind, one of the major objectives of research in urban sociology planning is connected with the creation of theoretical foundation which could enable us to determine and study the factors, influencing the development of town infrastructure. In the article the role of rural migration and commutation in this process is under discussion.
Key words: Keywords: city (town); urbanization; suburbanization; migration; commutation.

N. N. Tarusina, A. A. Gushina

Jurists and Law Students About Modern Marriage: Doctrinally-Legal and Sociological Context

Abstract: In article current doctrinally trends of development of institute of marriage and idea of the modern marriage, received as a result of questioning of law students, are compared.
Key words: Key words: marriage; institute development; future lawyers.

A.A. Zamorkin

Folksonomy and social tagging as phenomena of virtual communications

Abstract: In today's world, interaction between people is increasingly happening through the Internet, and use of modern IT technology changes the way we communicate with each other, not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. Recently, Internet technologies are using folksonomical systems - categorization of information by means of a randomly chosen tags. Folksonomy is a new way for users to interact online with each other in a manner similar to crowdsourcing, but represents a new approach to user profiling and information dissemination.
Key words: Keywords: society; virtualization; virtual communication; folksonomy; categorization; tagging.

T. M. Gavristova

African Writers in Search of Identity

Abstract: This article is devoted to the problem of identity in the creative works of African writers: Wole Soyinka, Ben Okri, Buchi Emecheta, Olu Oguibe, etc.
Key words: Key words: identity; Africa; phenomenon of Nigerian Literature; writer; authenticity; survival; engagement; success.

G. M. Nazhmoudinov

Synergetic Foundations of Socio-Humanitarian Processes

Abstract: The modern society is the world of non-equilibrium states. Rationally planned actions can give rise to the processes in which the principles of self-organization may dominant. As a result, the evolution can be realized according to the principles of synergetics.
Key words: Key words: self-organization; bifurcation; chaos; chance; fluctuation; nonlinear dynamics.

A. V. Ermolin

Philocatholicism in Philosophy by V Solovyov, L Karsavin and S. Bulgakov

Abstract: This article deals with the problem of philocatholicism in the philosophical conceptions of V. Solovyov, L. Karsavin and S. Bulgakov. Тhe author examines changes of their attitudes to Catholicism in different periods of their lives and philosophical creativity.
Key words: Key words: philocatholicism; Russian religious philosophy; V. Solovyov; L. Karsavin; S. Bulgakov.

O. U. Lysenko

Philosophical Origins of Modern Doctrine on the Subject of Crime

Abstract: In the article are investigated the opinions of philosophers of antiquity, middle ages and German classical philosophy as well as representatives of criminology about the forming of human ability for conscious and strong-willed behavior. The author comes to the conclusion that the philosophical doctrine of free will in criminal-legal relations has transformed into the doctrine on the subject of crime.
Key words: Key words: free will; condition of incrimination; ability for realized and strong-willed behavior; criminal responsibility.

V. A. Petrischev

Questions of the theory of economic growth

Abstract: The kinds of activity keeping and increasing resources that provides economic growth, unlike the kinds of activity spending resources are considered.
Key words: Key words: resources material; resources labour; production function; industrial consumption; personal consumption; «vasting» consumption; show consumption; usury; dynamics of cumulative demand; a public debt.

E. F. Nikitskaya

The problems of measuring inflation in the conditions of innovative development

Abstract: The majority of experts consider that inflationary processes are a key barrier of innovative development. In Russia there is a low rate of inflation, but danger of inflationary growth in Russia isn't overcome. Regularities of global development shows, that at an output of the economy from the crisis arises reflation, therefore in the Russian economy remains considerable inflationary potential. The methodology of measurement of inflation doesn't consider change of structure of consumption in innovative economy. The consumer basket which underlies calculation of a rate of inflation, gradually becomes not representative in process of expansion of innovative production. Statistics show that inflation has only an indirect effect on the innovative development and the nature of this impact requires an additional study.
Key words: Key words: inflationary processes; inflationary potential; innovative development; innovative barriers; price indexes; consumer basket; innovative activity.

L. P. Kurochkina, E. N. Tumanova

Anti-recessionary management in a control system of region development

Abstract: In article the place of anti-recessionary management in a control system of region development is investigated. Authors present wide understanding of anti-recessionary management which covers three stages of social and economic system (crisis, depression and revival). Taking into account specificity of these stages statement of problems of anti-recessionary regional government is offered.
Key words: Key words: region; management; system; economy; development; growth; crisis; depression; revival.

M. Sidorov

US retail trade corporations: looking for an efficient operational model

Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of operational models of the largest US retail corporations. On the basis of the broad numerical data spectrum, gathered by the author, conclusions relating to the most successful retail company models are made. The defined operational types can be used as best practice for smaller players of the American retail market, as well as by retailers in other countries, including Russia.
Key words: Key words: Retail corporations; USA; operational model; financial ratios.

A. V. Konovalova

Identification and classification of risks in bank innovative projection

Abstract: Article is devoted to forming of the qualifier of risks of innovative design for the credit organizations. In article the risk is considered as the internal component of an innovation generated by action of internal and external factors. On the basis of this concept classification of innovative risks taking into account a stage of life cycle of the project, specifics of bank activity and variety of the factors forming area of risk is built.
Key words: Key words: innovative projection; risk area; identification risk of a stage.

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