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Demidov Yaroslavl State University

2015. № 2 (32)

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T. M. Gavristova

Manthia Diawara in Search of Africa

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the creative work of the historian, philosopher, writer, documentary filmmaker Manthia Diawara and his attempts to solve the problem of identity across African continent and the Diaspora. The book “In Search of Africa” is the base of the analysis of Africanity phenomenon and self-identification of the continent and Diaspora.
Key words: Manthia Diawara; identity; Africa; Diaspora; African Americans; postmodernism; personal history; Africanity.

А. S. Sharova

The Society of the Bandiagara Escarpment and the History of Mali

Abstract: The article discusses the history of the society of the Bndiagara escarpment and the history of Mali. The author considers the main milestones of the history of Mali and the Dogon, the impact of the politics of the rulers of Mali on the history of the Dogon and the role of the Dogon in the history of Mali.
Key words: Mali; Dogon; history; origin; islamization; Bambara; Fulani; Tukuler; colony

V. M. Marasanova

Business Activity of the Sorokin Merchant Family in Yaroslavl (1786–1917): Successes, Difficulties, Results

Abstract: The article considers the family business of five generations of the merchants of the Sorokins, who succeeded to create in XIX century in Yaroslavl contemporary for that time a lead-bleaching plant with the foreign equipment and a wide fame products. By an example of lead-bleaching and leather industries of the Sorokin merchants the typical features of the merchant business are showed.
Key words: business; merchants; Yaroslavl; Sorokins; lead-bleaching plant.

А. A. Bashkarev

Assimilation of Small Ethnic Groups in the Context of National Policy (by an example of the Vepsians in the Leningrad Region)

Abstract: The article investigates reasons for mass movement of the Vepsians from the former places of residence. Influence of processes of industrialization and globalization in the 20th century has resulted in assimilation and reduction of their quantity. Inefficient administrative and territorial reforms extremely negatively affected social welfare and transport availability of Vepsian settlements, especially in the remote parts of formed territorial units. The inhabitants were forced to migrate to USSR Northwestern big cities, and that has led to their termination of contacts within their own ethnic environment and, finally, to their assimilation.
Key words: vepsians; national policy; migration; assimilation.

O. V. Krivenkova

The Press of France on the Outbreak of the Libyan Crisis (February – March 19, 2011)

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the reaction of the press of France to the beginning of the antigovernmental protests in Libya in February – March 2011 and to the attitude of the cabinet of France towards the Libyan crisis. The author focuses his attention on the print media review of the policy of Nicolas Sarkozy on the Libyan issue.
Key words: press of France; Sarkozy; Gaddafi; Libyan Civil War (2011).

A. A. Rusinov

The American Press on the Beginning of Cooperation between the American Relief Administration and the Soviet Russia (July – August 1921)

Abstract: This article considers opinions of the American press about the beginning of cooperation between the Soviet Russia and the American Relief Administration in July – August 1921.
Key words: American Relief Administration; press; famine 1921-1922.

O. O. Nepospekhov

Organization for Maintenance of Architectural Monuments in the Yaroslavl Province in the Late XIX – Early XX centuries

Abstract: This article describes the Yaroslavl community initiatives for the protection of the architectural heritage in cooperation with the supervisory institutions of the Russian Empire. It deals with interaction of the scientific community with various managers of monuments – the clergy, local authorities and private owners. The author comes to the conclusion about the existence of the system of protection of monuments in the Yaroslavl province in the late XIX – early XX century.
Key words: Yaroslavl province; architectural heritage; maintenance of monuments; scientific societies; Imperial Archaeological Commission.

А. A. Bashkarev

Development of Road Infrastructure as a Factor for Reservation of Small Ethnic Groups (by an example of the Vepsians)

Abstract: Many large countries of the world, such as Russia, historically are multinational states.. Where transport systems appear insufficiently developed, in the conditions of administrative-territorial dissociation, the social infrastructure of remote regions appears in an unsatisfactory condition. Especially it becomes obvious in northern regions with a severe climate. The given article considers the stated above problem by an example of a case with Vepsians, Finno-Ugric nationality in modern Russia.
Key words: infrastructure; development; roads; ethnic group; asssimilation; Vepsians.

A. M. Lushnikov

Problems of Ontology of Law Science (by an example of labour law science)

Abstract: The article deals with the complex of problems connected with the ontology of law. The author consistently examines the philosophical, theoretical-legal, and then the scientific-legal aspects of the legal ontology. It is concluded that the ontology of science of labor law as its subject has the existence of this science in all its realities and manifestations, including in the aspect of the existence of the Russian school of labor law.
Key words: legal philosophy; ontology of law; science of labor law; social security law science.

M. V. Lushnikova

Problems of International Labor Law in the Conditions of Globalization and Regional Integration

Abstract: The author examines the trends in the development of international labor law in the conditions of globalization and regional integration. It is concluded that under current conditions the international sources of labor law and social security law have inherent branch features: social partner character of adoption of international legal acts, the presence of specific sources - international collective agreements; flexibility of international legal acts on labor in content, form and order of application and the avoiding collision principle of reduction guarantees of labor and social-security rights in the sources of international labor law.
Key words: international labor law; harmonization and unification of international labor law; international labor and social-security standards.

N. N. Tarusina, E. A. Isaeva

On Trends of Research and Legal Regulation of Relations Implying Gender Element

Abstract: The article analyzes main trends of doctrine and social practices in the context of gender – with an emphasis on gender studies in specific areas of legal science and the importance of gender in the mechanism of legal regulation of social relations in the constitutional, legal and administrative, criminal law, labor law, and family and legal fields.
Key words: gender; equality; inequality; tendencies; branches of law.

E. V. Blagov

Criteria of General Fundamentals of Prescription of a Penalty as Certain Circumstances

Abstract: Criteria of general fundamentals of prescription of a penalty with regard to circumstances of a case are considered. The conclusion is drawn that when imposing a penalty are considered not a character and degree of neither public danger of a crime nor the personality of a guilty person, but rather constituent circumstances. Proposals for improvement of the criminal and criminal procedure legislation are made.
Key words: general fundamentals of prescription of a penalty; circumstances of a case; character and degree of public danger of a crime; personality of a guilty person; extenuating and aggravating circumstances.

A. V. Ivanchin

Problems of Defining a Type of Corpus Delicti Depending on a Functional Role of Consequences in its Legislative Design

Abstract: In the article the author analyzes problems of defining a type of corpus delicti depending on a functional role of consequences in its design. The author investigates doctrinal approaches to definition of quantity and a type of such structures in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Finally the author draws his conclusions, and also gives results of questioning scientists and practicians.
Key words: corpus delicti; legislative design; formal structure; material structure; formal and material structure; crime consequences; Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

O. N. Ilyanaya

Functions of Principle of Publicity

Abstract: The article deals with the definition of «functions of legal publicity principle» as well as its characteristics and main types.
Key words: legal principles; functions of legal principles; principle of publicity.

А. V. Karpov

The Specificity of Interconnection between Thinking and Meta-Thinking

Abstract: Theoretical and experimental materials revealing the specificity of the interconnection between thinking and meta-thinking are presented. For the first time is established and interpreted a general type of functional dependence between these two processes. Highlighted and discussed are mutual determination effects that exist between thinking and meta-thinking. Revealed is a fact of counterproductive influence of high level development of meta-thinking on productive parameters of thinking.
Key words: thinking; meta-thinking; primary psychic processes; secondary psychic processes; metacognitive processes; metacognitivism.

L. G. Antonova

Psychological Foundations of Studying Communicative Personality of Humanities Student

Abstract: This article explains the concept of communicative personality from the perspective of psycholinguistics and communication theory. The main parameters of the communicative personality are determined on the basis of its individual properties and characteristics, its degree of communicative needs, her cognitive skills and communicative competence in the perception and processing of new information; differential characteristics and peculiarities of linguistic communicative behaviour of the individual in society. Using the results of specialized surveys of university students of humanities, the author displays communicative characteristics of individual student majoring in humanities; offers a working definition of media literacy as an integral feature of communicative person and a feature required for the effective conduct in the conditions of modern infor-sphere.
Key words: communicative personality; communication skills; learning; communicative behavior in society; media literacy.

T. B. Kolyshkinа, E. V. Markova

Practice of Using Mechanism for Contact Interruption in Advertising Communication

Abstract: The article analyzes the examples of the use in advertising of contact interruption mechanisms described in detail in Gestalt psychology to explain the ways which a person can use to «not achieve the desired». Consultancy within Gestalt approaches purports to «abort» mechanism for interrupting a contact. It was found that advertising communication contains promises to ensure the usual mechanism for of interrupting a contact. and then destroy it.
Key words: cycle of the contact; mechanism for contact interruption; advertising; projection; introjection; retroflection; egotism.

P. A. Iamshchinina, M. B. Kuvaldina

The Problem of Experimental Investigation of Consiousness/Attention. Paradigm of Inattention Blindness as a Possible Solution

Abstract: The paper describes experiments aimed at finding divergent effects of attention and consciousness. We analyze experimental paradigm of M. Koivisto and A. Revonsuo that demonstrates different correlates of consciousness and attention. We suggest experimental procedure that can supplement the paradigm by including an effect of inattention blindness. The results of the pilot study are discussed.
Key words: consciousness; attention; inattention blindness; neuronal correlates of consciousness.

R. K. Mukhametova

Professional and Psychological Preparedness to Activities in an Emergency Situation as a Psychological Problem

Abstract: This article discusses the concept and the formation of professional and psychological readiness of aperson to work in extreme situations. After studying the scientific and practical researches of a number of Russian psychologists the author has analyzed the nature and dynamics of psychological preparedness, given the definition of an emergency. Concepts such as psychological preparation, professional psychological preparedness, psychological readiness, psychological stability, and specificity are considered. Their relationship has is defined The article has stated criteria and evaluations of the effectiveness of psychological preparation, it also disclosed the possibility of improving the psychological readiness of an individual.
Key words: psychological readiness; psychological training; psychological preparedness; psychological stability; emergency situation.

M. K. Kirillova

Features of Personal Potential of Young Men and Women with Addictive Behavior

Abstract: The specific features of the personal potential content and structure of young men and women with addictive behavior have been described. Qualitative peculiarity of the personal potential structures of young men and women who do not have addiction and those of their peers with addictive behavior has been revealed. The basic component of personal potential structure of young men and women which is the basis for its development and the personality activeness in difficult social situations (of uncertainty, achievements and pressure) has been identified.
Key words: personal potential; addictive behavior; addict’s personality; structure of personal potential; resistance of personality.

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