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Demidov Yaroslavl State University


Associate Prodessor of the Department of World History Nadezhda Khokholkova representied YarSU at the XIX World Congress of Anthropologists in Delhi

YarSU scientists at the XVIII Symposium of the International Society of F.M. Dostoevsky at Nagoya University in Japan

YarSU scientists at the XVIII Symposium of the International Society of F.M. Dostoevsky at Nagoya University in Japan

YarSU scientists presented their research results at the XVIII Symposium of the International Society of F.M. Dostoevsky at Nagoya University in Japan.

Alexander Sokolov, Head of the Department of Political Theories, at the World Congress of Political Scientists

Alexander Sokolov, Head of the Department of Political Theories, at the World Congress of Political Scientists

Head of the Department of Socio-Political Theories of YarSU, Doctor of Political Sciences Alexander Sokolov presented the results of research within the framework of the RSF project No. 22-28-01517 "Digital Ecosystems in Politics: Problems of Creation and Prospects for Development" at the XXVII World Congress of Political Scientists in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

YarSU students won the awards at the Open International student Internet Olympiad in Mathematics

YarSU students won the awards at the Open International student Internet Olympiad in Mathematics

YarSU mathematicians won the awards of the final round of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad in Mathematics.

Professor Anatoly Karpov, dean of the YarSU Faculty of Psychology, took part in the International Congress "Psychology of the XXI Century"

Professor Anatoly Karpov, dean of the YarSU Faculty of Psychology, took part in the International Congress "Psychology of the XXI Century"

Professor Anatoly Karpov, dean of the YarSU Faculty of Psychology, took part in the International Congress "Psychology of the XXI Century"

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