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Demidov Yaroslavl State University

2012. № 1 (19)

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A. V. Karpov

Reflection in the Structure of Consciousness

Abstract: The theoretical and empirical materials on the patterns of interaction of two fundamental subjects of psychological research – awareness and reflection. In relation to this issue a new methodological principle of psychological research is introduced – the principle of the metasystem approach. Justified is the provision according to which reflection is a basic procedural tool of consciousness organized on the basis of the heterachical principle. We propose a new structural polyprocess approach to the disclosure of the psychological nature of reflection. From these standpoints contents of reflexive processes are revealed. A new explanation of the basic property of psyche, one that underlies consciousness , property selfsensitiveness, is proposed
Key words: consciousness; reflection; metasystem approach; getera-archy; structure; metacognitive processes; levels; selfsensitiveness

N. Sh. Karkozashvili

British Travelers on the Problems of Intellectual Development of the American Society in the First Half of the XIX Century

Abstract: The article presents the opinions of British travelers on some sides of intellectual life in the USA of the first half of the XIX century. The main attention in them was focused on the influence of democracy and market values on the state of educational system and other aspects of cultural development in America of that period
Key words: : democracy; modernization; public schools; humanitarian education; cultural development; intellectual life

A. V. Akhsyanov

Peasant Allotment Landownership (by materials on Yaroslavl province of the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries)

Abstract: The article under consideration is devoted to changes in peasant allotment ownership after the reforms of 1861, 1863, 1866: allotment structure, plot structure, allotment potential to provide peasants with their own bread
Key words: peasant allotment landownership; communal land-utilization; crops structure; peasant farm; dessyatina of land (27 acres)

E. E. Tupitsina

Kwame Nkrumah: Life in Conakry (Guinea) (1966–1972)

Abstract: The article deals with the life activity of Kwame Nkrumah – the public and political leader of Ghana, the leader of the national liberation movement, the first Prime Minister and President of Ghana (1960–1966) – during his stay in Conakry (Guinea), where he was after the military takeover in Ghana in the night 23–24 February, 1966. In domestic literature there are no studies that examine this period of K. Nkrumah’ life. It was in Guinea that complete formation of K. Nkrumah happened: as an intellectual, a philosopher, a leader of pan-Africanism.
Key words: Kwame Nkrumah; Ghana; intellectual; philosopher; coup d`etat; exile; Guinea; pan-Africanism

I. D. Tutberidze

Problems of «Historical Reunification of Europe»: French Political Elite`s View

Abstract: The author focuses on studies of opinion of common Frenchmen and that of political elites of France to the Eastern enlargement of the European Union. Special attention is paid to the study of contradictions between public opinion and politician`s arguments in favour of EU`s enlargement, to the place and role of France in the European Union
Key words: France; political elite; European Union

A. N. Filippov

Soviet Physical Culture Parade in 1920–1930-ies

Abstract: The article deal with the phenomenon of Soviet physical culture parade – a major component of the history of physical culture and sports in the years 1920–1930.
Key words: physical culture; sports; parade; socialist ideology; agitation; celebration; health; working masses; propaganda

O. N. Shanina

Hungarian Events of 1956 Viewed by Soviet and British Journalists (by the example of «Times» and «Pravda» newspapers)

Abstract: The article analyzes how Soviet and English mass media presented for readers the Hungarian crisis of 1956. Western mass media used very actively this event for adding new negative touches to the image of the USSR, the Soviet Union used it for attacks on «western reactionary circles» and «fascist elements», which, as if, were guilty in the events happened.
Key words: Cold War; USSR; Great Britain; mass media; Hungarian crisis; ideology; interperception

N. I. Shapko

The Delopment of the Urban Water-Supply in Yaroslavl as a New Phenomenon in the Urban Life of the Late XIX – Early XX Centuries

Abstract: The main steps of the development of the urban water-supply in the prerevolutionary Yaroslavl are given special attention to in this article
Key words: plumbing; landscaping; citizen; city council; city government; new urban environment

T. M. Gavristova

African Modernism: Past, Present, Future

Abstract: This article is devoted to the African modernism and its founders: Uche Okeke and Ibrahim El Salahi. Their activities have determined the main trends of contemporary arts in Africa: ulism, transvangardism and others.
Key words: Uche Okeke; Ibrahim El Salahi; El Anatsui; School of Nsukka; Khartum; calligraphy; line; image; sign; symbol; uli.

N. V. Buldakova

The Relationship between Professionally Significant Qualities and Prognostigation Ability of Specialists in Social-Humanitarian Sphere

Abstract: The article describes the specific features of social-humanitarian professions at the modern stage of social development. The author offers the structure of professional significant qualities of specialists in sphere «Man – Man», explains the necessity and importance of prognostication ability development as an indicator of formation of the structure of professionally significant qualities for future specialists in social-humanitarian sphere.
Key words: specialists of social-humanitarian sphere; professionally significant qualities; the structure of prognostication ability

S. V. Marikhin

Theoretical Aspects of Designing of Vocational Training of Experts

Abstract: Pedagogical aspects of designing of vocational training of experts are revealed. Ways of perfection of design activity as mechanism of improvement of quality of vocational training of experts are defined. On the basis of the analysis of the distinguished scientific research works on the problem of pedagogical designing a survey interpretation and the author's vision of its working out, introduction and realization in vocational training of experts is offered.
Key words: pedagogical designing; vocational training; project; model of educational process.

N. N. Kuvshinova

Individuality as an Integral Part of the Second Language Identity

Abstract: The article is devoted to individual characteristics of the second language identity. The author considers the current trends in the development of second language identity, reveals the essence of the concept of foreign language communication in terms of personality, as well as features of language identity and second language identity. The idea of the individual essence of the second language identity is supported.
Key words: individuality; foreign language communication; language identity; second language identity.

A. V. Sokolov

Transformation of the System of Government for a Subject of the Russian Federation (by the example of the Yaroslavl region)

Abstract: The system of government for subjects of the Russian Federation is not invariable. This is the reason for the research of transformation of power-holding structures of the subjects of the Russian Federation is still urgent. Processes of changes of Russian regions’ institutional systems are analyzed by the example of the Yaroslavl region in 2000–2010.
Key words: system of government for subjects of Russian Federation; transformation; legislative power; executive body; governor; political process.

O. V. Klimashevskaya

Factor Analysis of Gender Inequality in Russian State Policy

Abstract: The article sounds a method of «factor analysis» by which one can make a conclusion about the condition of maturity of the gender state policy not only theoretically but also practically, and can predict possible political consequences. A basis of the factor analysis is formed by correlations between rates of gender policy and factors that influence these correlations. The use of correlation analysis lets us to determine strategical priorities for the development of this sphere of the state policy, work out effective measures to implement the gender policy in the state general policy and also distribute rationally financial resources of the state
Key words: gender policy; state policy; politics; factor analysis; correlation analysis; correlation; political process.

N. N. Tarusina

Age as a Legal Fact of Marriage Legal Relationship: «The Digitized Adventure»

Abstract: The article deals with questions (also with a comparative legal approach) the common and individual norms of age of marriage, limits of its decrease and reasonable procedures of acceptance of the corresponding decisions taken on consideration.
Key words: age of marriage; dependent of 14 years old and younger, 14–16 years; legal proceedings.

O. Yu. Avdeev

Aspects of Inter-Branch Differentiation of the Responsibility for Taking Illegal Awards for Job Service

Abstract: On the basis of the law literature analysis and according to the Russian Federation Criminal Code’s statutes currently in force, the author formulates conclusions about the inter-branch differentiation of the juridical responsibility for an illegal award for job service. Reasons and rules of the responsibility differentiation by the realization of norms in different law branches are investigated. The examples are given to illustrate the realization of various kinds of the responsibility for corruption crimes and law offences
Key words: inter-branch differentiation; criminal responsibility; realization of norms of criminal law; administrative offence; mediation in bribery

D. A. Smirnov

The International Legal Category «Forced Labor» and its Implementation in the Russian Legislation

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of a legal definition of forced labor in article 4 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation and to finding-out of a parity of this definition with the norms of conventions of the International Organization of Labour operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Key words: legal definition; international legal standards; forced labor.

E. A. Isaeva

Antidiscrimination Legislation: Stages of Formation and Modern Trends of Development (comparative aspect)

Abstract: Article covers aspects of comparative research on stages of development of the antidiscrimination legislation in the sphere of employment relations in certain countries of Europe and the USA. Stages of formation of the norms aimed at eradication of inequality are estimated. The author offers the Russian legislator to take some positively working models of the antidiscrimination legislation of foreign countries.
Key words: antidiscrimination legislation; grounds for discrimination; inequality

M. F. Zavyalov

On Certain Aspects of the Efficiency Increase of State Supervision and Enforcement of Labor Law Compliance

Abstract: The article examines ways to improve government supervision and control over observance of labor legislation, in particular through the establishment of effective feedback between employees and supervisors. Author considers a positive experience of employers submitting declarations of compliance with the law, makes proposals for adjustments of the existing legislation.
Key words: Supervision and monitoring of law compliance; efficiency; feedback; declaration of law compliance.

E. Y. Syurtukova, Y. V. Filippova

Burnout of Teachers: Perspectives of Research

Abstract: This article is devoted to topical problems of studying of mental burnout of a personality. As a perspective direction of research on burnout of teachers was proposed to apply to intraprofessional differences. The specific features of the profession of teacher of pre-school educational institution in comparison with the profession of a school teacher were considered in the article. Assumption of the existence of differences in the formation and development of mental burnout of the representatives of these professional groups was ttheoretically justified.
Key words: syndrome of mental burnout; pedagogical activity; intraprofessional differences

A. S. Kashapov

Dynamics of Social-Psychological Qualities of Students in the Course of High School Adaptation

Abstract: The article covers the study of conflict resistance dynamics in the context of teaching students how to resolve conflicts in a creative way. The conceptual characteristics of conflict resistance have been examined. The fact that normal psychic performance in stressful and frustrating environment is conditional on conflict resistance (as the ability to resolve conflicts in an unaggressive way) has been proved.
Key words: conflict resistance; personality determinant; adaptive behaviour; conflict; adaptation.

V. A. Malishev

The Substantiation of Typology of Individuals who Form Counterculture in Organizations

Abstract: The article concerns the prerequisites for creation of typology people who form counterculture in organizations. The characteristics are given with the help of which it is possible to distinguish individual differences lying in the basis of the typology. The hypothetical types of people who form counterculture in organizations are presented.
Key words: organizational culture; organizational counterculture; non-conformism; record of service; employee’s «power – weakness»; theoretical construct.

A. G. Petrova

Investigation of Specifics of Psychologist’s Psychological Defense at the Stage of Professional Adaptation

Abstract: In the article the analysis results of psychologist’s investigation of defense behavior models at stage of professional adaptation and their influence on efficiency of professional activity.
Key words: psychological defense; mechanisms of psychological defense; сoping strategy; professional important qualities; efficiency of professional activity.

O. N. Sakovskaya

Metacognitive Regulation of Social Adaptation

Abstract: The article discusses the role of directional reflection, as metacognitive regulator of social adaptation. On the basis of the phenomenological and empirical research the proposition is substantiated that a successful completion of the crisis reveals the dynamics of change in the direction of reflection.
Key words: social adaptation; critical situations; the direction of reflection.

A. G. Smirnova

The Issue of Social Cognition in Sociology

Abstract: In the article the theses of sociological approach to the issue of social cognition are under consideration. The definition of social cognition as the process of acquisition of knowledge about social objects is formulated. The point is stressed that the given process is built in the cooperative activity and communication of the participants of interaction and conditioned by their affiliation with some social groups. The mechanisms of interpersonal and intergroup perception (reflection, empathy, attribution, differentiation and identification) are at the basis of this process.
Key words: social cognition; cognitive sociology; sociology of knowledge; social determination of cognition; social structure.

J. A. Gurskaya

National and Cultural Potential of Proper Name

Abstract: The topical problem of the modern linguistics – the national and cultural potential of the proper name and methods of conceptualization of the culturally meaningful name Rogneda in different types of texts is concerned in the article. The above name is functioning as a rolled national and cultural text acquiring even in closely related languages different national and cultural connotations.
Key words: proper name; denotation; concept; conceptualization

A. V. Bogdanov

Philosophy of P. Y. Chaadayev in the Mirror of Criticism: Methodological Aspects

Abstract: In the article are examined critiques of conceptual views by P. Y Chaadayev from stand-points of supporters and opponents of ideas of the Russian philosopher about Russia and its world-historic mission, polar approaches to criticism of Chaadayev’s vision of history are analysed.
Key words: studies of Chaadayev and his works; mission of Russia; critics and supporters of P. Y. Chaadayev’s conceptions

A. N. Kovalev

Values in the interpersonal interaction

Abstract: Nature of the origin of values is investigated. Various scientific theories of values are analysed, three basic approaches to the concept «value» are singled out. The differences between value and relevance, estimation and idea. Nature of inter-subject values is revealed.
Key words: values; selfishness; use; price; inter-subject interaction.

I. V. Razumov

Theory of Management of Innovative Development of the Enterprises in Russia: an Integrated Approach

Abstract: The article offers a new integral approach, which combines the theoretical positions of the revolutionary and evolutionary theories of management of innovative development of the enterprises. The integral approach will serve as a basis for the development of tools of management of development of the enterprises on the basis of process innovation.
Key words: innovation theory; integrated management approach; development of an enterprise; life cycle of an enterprise.

M. V. Petrischev

Theoretical Idealisation in Learning Market Competition

Abstract: Different semantic values of «ideal» are revealed. Necessity of idealisation of a market competition as anobject of theoretical research is justified. Possibility of such idealisation is proved by application of a method of structural levels.
Key words: empirical objects; object idealisation in theories; structural levels of knowledge; gnoseological contradictions; ideal rationality in a competition.

L. A. Karasevа

Entrepreneur’s Freedom and Choice

Abstract: The article gives an economic treatment to entrepreneur’s external and internal freedom and pays special attention to selffulfillment. The author dwells upon entrepreneur’s choice and choice of resources’ owners (employees in particular). The paper treats the environment and technology of entrepreneur’s creativity as a process of generating and implementing business ideas
Key words: external and internal freedom; self-fulfillment; entrepreneur’s choice; choice of employees; business idea.

А. А. Vdovenko

Small Business in the Innovative Environment Development

Abstract: Small innovative business is an ancestor of many important inventions. However it can not develop innovation without support in modern economy. However, the support has a contradictory character as a result of high market monopolization.
Key words: small innovative business; innovations; big business; state support.

D. A. Terentyev

Forms and Mechanisms to Display Instability in Markets of Capital: Institutional and Synergetic Aspects

Abstract: In the article forms and mechanisms of displayed instability in the markets of the capital from a position of complex application of the methodological tools of synergetrics and the institutional theory are considered. It is specified that with reference to the market of the capital stability can be considered in many aspects connected with parameters of its functioning:. It is demonstrated that at a micro-level stability of the market of capitals is caused by functioning of feedback mechanism which defines dynamics of interest rates and their volatility. The special importance of adequate regulation of the markets of the capital in the conditions of globalization and information is stressed. That is caused by strengthening synchronization of market participants’ behavior and by the openness of national economies.
Key words: stability; capital; market of capital; the institutional environment; self-organisation; volatility; feedback; financial globalization; economy informatisation.

E. G. Patrusheva, G. G. Konovalova, E. V. Sapir

On the Issue of Assessment of Socio-Economic Regional Development

Abstract: The article focuses on the assessment of socio-economic regional development as well as on the determining directions and tools for regulating the regional economy’s performance. The author assumes possibility to find a set of tools to determine the vector of regional development and region’s position in a rank of other subjects of the Russian Federation.
Key words: region, socio-economic development, assessment indicators.

A. A. Moskvichev, L. N. Nazarova

On the Estimate of Potential Opportunities for Regional Expansion of a Credit Organization

Abstract: In this article we are considering basic elements of the methodology for analyzing the potential opportunities for regional expansion of the credit institution developed by the authors in three directions: attractiveness rating of the region's development indicators, economic analysis of the regional office's activities, marketing analysis of implementation of banking services in regional offices. The results of the practical application of techniques are presented in the SWOT-analysis table.
Key words: credit institution; branch; office; regional expansion; regional network; regional banking system; SWOT-analysis

L. B. Parfenova, A. M. Isayev

Using of Aggregated Profit and Loss Statement to Analyze Commercial Bank Financial Results

Abstract: The key aspects of financial results of a commercial bank analysis are analyzed in the article. Using of aggregated Profit and Loss Statement is suggested to analyze commercial bank financial results; there is an analysis of financial results potentialities appraising in the article, including appraising based on some of it’s elements practical testing
Key words: analysis of commercial bank financial results; aggregated Profit and Loss Statement; interest yield; net interest yield; bank’s costs factor analysis.

L. A. Mamatova, T. E. Tyurina

Assessment Methods of the Tax Burden on the Economic Players

Abstract: This article introduces analytical review of different methods the tax burden assessing. According to the main four methods, nowadays it is impossible to argue about conventional sense of the tax burden and its level. Authors suggest the next-generation direction of the tax burden research.
Key words: glide tax; tax burden; methods to determine the tax burden; integral indicators of the tax burden.

P. A. Zhuravlyov

Savings of Population: Institutional Framework

Abstract: In article the characteristic of savings of the population from a position of the institutional economic theory is given. The savings behavior is treated as a version of the economic behavior, regulated by set of formal and informal norms and rules and directed on restriction by economic agents of current consumption. It is offered to unite motives of savings behavior taking into account their institutional features in three groups: «uncertainty», «consumption», «capital formation». It is specified in a special role of a category of trust in institutional development of modern forms of savings.
Key words: savings; consumption; savings behavior; the financial markets; institutes; norms; trust.

N. A. Starkova

Mortgage Loaning Patterns under the Russian Real Estate Market

Abstract: This article introduces American and German patterns in mortgage loaning. The author analyses Russian practice in the field of activity in the Central Federal District. The author argues that German pattern’s advantage in the terms of duration for housing issue solution and financial burden upon privacies.
Key words: mortgage loaning patterns; German pattern; American pattern; Russian practice; private savings

V. Y. Trofimets

Synthesis of Conceptual Model of the Scientifical-Methodical Apparatus for the Decision of Analytical Problems of Innovative Economy

Abstract: The conceptual model of the scientifically-methodical apparatus of the decision of analytical problems of innovative economy as an element of system of informational-analytical preparation of students of economic high schools is observed.
Key words: innovative economy; scientifically-methodical apparatus; decision-making theory; education in economics.

N. R. Tadevosyan

Development of Inbound Tourism in the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic as an Investment Growth Driver

Abstract: The article deals with the issue of economic development of the Sakha (Yakutia),Republic in connection with the development of the regional touristic brunch
Key words: investments; tourism; recreational resources; natural potential; Sakha (Yakutia) Republic

E. L. Moreva

The Demand Agents for the Education in Frame of Contemporary Modernization (the Chinese experience analysis)

Abstract: The consolidation of modernization in China as well as the transfer to the knowledge economy requires the respective transformation of the national learning system. The latter incorporates the business participation. Still there are the respective organic institutions and groups of them which block the process. The adequate influence from outside is required to surpass the problem. By now it tends creating.
Key words: modernization in China; education; socio-economic actors in the education sector; Chinese universities; innovations; state and private sector; large and small business; TNC.

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